目 標

  1. 致力消除澳門的各種形式虐待兒童及疏忽照顧兒童事件。
  2. 建立、維持及支援專業服務,以幫助受虐待或被疏忽照顧兒童,或與子女相處有問題的家長。
  3. 提高澳門公眾人士對於防止虐待兒童問題的認識。
  4. 進行各種合理及合法活動、以期達致上述目標。



  1. To strive for the eradication of all forms of child abuse and neglect in Macau.
  2. To establish, maintain and support a professional service to assist abused or neglected children or parents having relationship problems with their children.
  3. To promote awareness among the general public in Macau towards the prevention of child abuse.
  4. To take all lawful and necessary actions which are conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.


關於我們 > 目  標